Muskrat — Cute Little Critter?

January 19, 2016

It sure would be difficult to find a cuter critter than Missouri’s own muskrat. Okay, I’m joking—a little. Although muskrats have a gorgeous, golden brown coat, their beady little eyes and creepy claws do detract from their image a bit. The added touch of filamentous algae, also known as pond scum, dripping from this one’s chin doesn’t help. I’ll let you decide for yourself what you think about this furry customer. Generally, I love all creatures great and small these days.

Photographed at August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area, St. Charles County, Missouri

Thanks for looking,


Email:  Natureframes@Rocketmail.Com

Gallery of Photos:  Danny’s Website

8 comments on “Muskrat — Cute Little Critter?”

  1. Well, since I don’t think creatures have to be “cute” to be interesting, I like the image and the animal! Thank you for showing me a place in Forest Park where I have observed these creatures for long stretches at a time. Your guixance in my Missouri wildlife experience has been immense….from the mink to the peregrines!

  2. I agree with you Danny, He sure is cute.However, I think that he needs to clean up his face. thank’s for sharing.


  3. Captain and Tenille sang it best… Muskrat Love!

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